/* ******************************************************* * filename : common.js * description : �꾩²´�곸쑝ë¡� �¬ì슜�섎뒗 JS * date : 2020-02-24 ******************************************************** */ /* IE ë²꾩쟾Òú´í겕 */ function ieVersionCheck () { var word; var version = "N/A"; var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var name = navigator.appName; // IE old version ( IE 10 or Lower ) if ( name == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" ) word = "msie "; else { // IE 11 if ( agent.search("trident") > -1 ) word = "trident/.*rv:"; // Microsoft Edge else if ( agent.search("edge/") > -1 ) word = "edge/"; } var reg = new RegExp( word + "([0-9]{1,})(\\.{0,}[0-9]{0,1})" ); if ( reg.exec( agent ) != null ) version = RegExp.$1 + RegExp.$2; if ( version !="NaN" && version < 12 ) { return parseInt (version) }else { return false; } } function detectBrowser() { var word; var versionOrType = "another"; var ieName = navigator.appName; var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); /*** 1. IE ë²꾩쟾 Òú´í겕 ***/ // IE old version ( IE 10 or Lower ) if ( ieName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" ){ word = "msie "; }else{ // IE 11 if( agent.search("trident") > -1 ) word = "trident/.*rv:"; // IE 12 ( Microsoft Edge ) else if( agent.search("edge/") > -1 ) word = "edge/"; } var reg = new RegExp( word + "([0-9]{1,})(\\.{0,}[0-9]{0,1})" ); if ( reg.exec( agent ) != null ) versionOrType = RegExp.$1 + RegExp.$2; /*** 2. IEê°� �꾨땶 ê²½ì슦 ë¸뚮씪�°ì� Òú´í겕 ***/ if( versionOrType == "another" ){ if (agent.indexOf("chrome") != -1) versionOrType = "Chrome"; else if (agent.indexOf("opera") != -1) versionOrType = "Opera"; else if (agent.indexOf("firefox") != -1) versionOrType = "Firefox"; else if (agent.indexOf("safari") != -1) versionOrType = "Safari"; else if (agent.indexOf("mozilla/5.0") != -1) versionOrType = "Mozilla"; } return versionOrType; }; /* Window Popup Open */ function winPopupOpen(src,title,option){ window.open(src,title,option); } /* Òï¨ë컮��/PC Òú´í겕 */ function isMobile(){ var UserAgent = navigator.userAgent; if (UserAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|Android|Windows CE|BlackBerry|Symbian|Windows Phone|webOS|Opera Mini|Opera Mobi|POLARIS|IEMobile|lgtelecom|nokia|SonyEricsson/i) != null || UserAgent.match(/LG|SAMSUNG|Samsung/) != null) { return true; }else{ return false; } } /* �꾩쓽�� �곸뿭�� ׺뚮뱾�� �¤í겕롤ë컮 �¬ê¸° ×å¡ì젙 */ function getScrollBarWidth(){ if($(document).height() > $(window).height()){ $('body').append('
'); fakeScrollBar = $('#fakescrollbar'); fakeScrollBar.append('
'); var w1 = fakeScrollBar.find('div').innerWidth(); fakeScrollBar.css('overflow-y', 'scroll'); var w2 = $('#fakescrollbar').find('div').html('html is required to init new width.').innerWidth(); fakeScrollBar.remove(); return (w1-w2); } return 0; } /* ë¸뚮씪�°ì� ê°�ë¡�, �¸ë줈�¬ê¸° ×å¡ì젙 */ function getWindowWidth () { return $(window).outerWidth() + getScrollBarWidth() ; } function getWindowHeight () { return $(window).height() ; } /* ë¸뚮씪�°ì� �¤í겕롤ì쐞ì¹� ×å¡ì젙 */ function getScrollTop () { return $(window).scrollTop(); } /* ë¸뚮씪�°ì� �¤í겕ë¡� �꾩튂 �´ë룞 */ function moveScrollTop (top) { $("html, body").animate({scrollTop:top},500,"swing"); } /* addClass Active */ function addActive (activeItem) { $(activeItem).addClass("active"); } /* selector length */ $.exists = function(selector) { return ($(selector).length > 0); } /* AOS Plugin */ function aosInit () { var browserVer = ieVersionCheck(); if ( !browserVer || browserVer > 9 ) { AOS.init({ // Global settings: disable: false, // accepts following values: 'phone', 'tablet', 'mobile', boolean, expression or function startEvent: 'DOMContentLoaded', // name of the event dispatched on the document, that AOS should initialize on initClassName: 'aos-init', // class applied after initialization animatedClassName: 'aos-animate', // class applied on animation useClassNames: false, // if true, will add content of `data-aos` as classes on scroll disableMutationObserver: false, // disables automatic mutations' detections (advanced) debounceDelay: 50, // the delay on debounce used while resizing window (advanced) throttleDelay: 99, // the delay on throttle used while scrolling the page (advanced) // Settings that can be overridden on per-element basis, by `data-aos-*` attributes: offset: 150, // offset (in px) from the original trigger point delay: 0, // values from 0 to 3000, with step 50ms duration: 1000, // values from 0 to 3000, with step 50ms easing: 'ease', // default easing for AOS animations once: true, // whether animation should happen only once - while scrolling down mirror: false, // whether elements should animate out while scrolling past them anchorPlacement: 'top-bottom', // defines which position of the element regarding to window should trigger the animation }); } } /* magnificPopup Plugin */ function magnificPopup (popupGallery) { $(popupGallery).magnificPopup({ delegate: 'a', type: 'image', closeOnContentClick: true, closeBtnInside: true, fixedContentPos: true, mainClass: 'mfp-with-zoom', removalDelay: 500, //delay removal by X to allow out-animation callbacks: { beforeOpen: function() { // just a hack that adds mfp-anim class to markup this.st.image.markup = this.st.image.markup.replace('mfp-figure', 'mfp-figure mfp-with-anim'); this.st.mainClass = this.st.el.attr('data-effect'); } }, closeOnContentClick: true, midClick: true, // allow opening popup on middle mouse click. Always set it to true if you don't provide alternative source. }); } /* Custom Scrollbar Plugin (x,y) */ function customScrollX (scrollObject) { $(scrollObject).mCustomScrollbar({ axis:"x", theme:"dark" }); } function customScrollY (scrollObject) { $(scrollObject).mCustomScrollbar({ axis:"y", theme:"dark" }); } /* PHP Get Parameter */ function getParameter(strParamName){ var arrResult = null; if(strParamName){ arrResult = location.search.match(new RegExp("[&?]" + strParamName + "=(.*?)(&|$)")); } return arrResult && arrResult[1] ? arrResult[1] : null; } function toAnchorParameter (anchor) { if ( getParameter(anchor) ) { var anchorConTop = $("#"+getParameter(anchor)+"").offset().top; var headerHeight = $("#header").height(); //moveScrollTop(anchorConTop-headerHeight); if ($.exists('#fullpage')) { $.fn.fullpage.moveTo(getParameter(anchor)); }else { $("html, body").animate({scrollTop:anchorConTop-headerHeight},0,"swing"); } } } jQuery(function($){ /* *********************** �곷떒 :: �¤ë뜑 FIXED ************************ */ if ($.exists('#header')) { $(window).scroll(function () { var startTop = $("#header").height(); if ( getScrollTop() > startTop ) { if (!($("#header").hasClass("fixed"))) { $("#header").addClass("fixed"); } }else { if ($("#header").hasClass("fixed")) { $("#header").removeClass("fixed"); } } }); } /* *********************** �곷떒 :: �¸ì뼱 Òï©ë줉 ************************ */ $(".header-lang").click(function () { $(this).toggleClass("open"); }).mouseleave(function () { $(this).removeClass("open"); }); /* *********************** �곷떒 :: ê²��� toggle ************************ */ $(".header-search-box").each(function () { var $searchBox = $(this); var $openBtn = $(this).find(".header-search-open-btn"); var $closeBtn = $(this).find(".header-search-close-btn"); $openBtn.click(function () { $searchBox.addClass("open"); }); $closeBtn.click(function () { $searchBox.removeClass("open"); }); }); /* *********************** �섎떒 :: topë²꾪듉 ************************ */ $(".to-top-btn").each(function () { // topë²꾪듉 �섏삤ê²� (�꾩슂�� ê²½ì슦�먮쭔 �£ì쑝�¸ì슂) if ( $(this).length > 0 ) { $(window).scroll(function () { if ( getScrollTop() > 0 ) { if (!($(".to-top-btn").hasClass("fixed"))) { $(".to-top-btn").addClass("fixed"); } }else { if ($(".to-top-btn").hasClass("fixed")) { $(".to-top-btn").removeClass("fixed"); } } }); } // topë²꾪듉 �´ë¦­ $(this).on("click",function () { if ($.exists('#fullpage')) { $.fn.fullpage.moveTo(1); }else { moveScrollTop(0); } return false; }); }); /* *********************** �섎떒 :: �뚰듃�덉궗 리ì뒪�� ************************ */ $('.footer-partner-list').slick({ slidesToShow: 7, slidesToScroll: 1, arrows: true, fade: false, dots:false, autoplay: true, speed:500, infinite:true, autoplaySpeed: 3000, easing: 'easeInOutQuint', pauseOnHover:false, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1367, settings: { slidesToShow: 5 } }, { breakpoint: 1025, settings: { slidesToShow: 3 } } ] }); /* *********************** �섎떒 :: �¨ë�리ì궗�´í듃 ************************ */ $(".family-site-box").each(function () { var $familyBox = $(this); var $familyListOpenBtn = $(this).children(".family-site-open-btn"); var $familyList = $(this).children(".family-site-list"); $familyListOpenBtn.click(function () { $familyList.slideToggle(500); $familyBox.toggleClass("open"); return false; }); $(this).mouseleave(function () { $familyList.slideUp(500); $familyBox.removeClass("open"); }); }); /* *********************** �� ê³µí넻 ************************ */ $(".cm-tab-container").each(function () { var $cmTabList = $(this).children(".cm-tab-list"); var $cmTabListli = $cmTabList.find("li"); var $cmConWrapper = $(this).children(".cm-tab-content-wrapper"); var $cmContent = $cmConWrapper.children(".cm-tab-con"); // �� �곸뿭 �¨ê¸°ê³� selected �´ë옒�¤ê� �덈뒗 �곸뿭׺� ë³´ì씠ê²� var $selectCon = $cmTabList.find("li.selected").find("a").attr("href"); $cmContent.hide(); $($selectCon).show(); $cmTabListli.children("a").click(function () { if ( !$(this).parent().hasClass("selected")) { var visibleCon = $(this).attr("href"); $cmTabListli.removeClass("selected"); $(this).parent("li").addClass("selected"); $cmContent.hide(); $(visibleCon).fadeIn(); } return false; }); }); /* *********************** FAQ ************************ */ $(".faq-list-con .faq-item > dt").click(function () { var $faqCon = $(this).siblings(); if ($faqCon.css("display") == "block") { $(this).siblings().slideUp(); $(".faq-item").removeClass("open"); }else { $(".faq-item > dd:visible").slideUp(); $(".faq-item").removeClass("open"); $(this).parent("dl").addClass("open"); $faqCon.slideDown(); } }); }); $(window).load(function () { /* *********************** �쒗럹�´ì� �´ì뿉�쒖쓽 주ì냼 �´ë룞 ************************ */ toAnchorParameter("anchor"); /* 주ì냼~?anchor=content */ /* *********************** AOS Plugin ************************ */ aosInit (); }); $(function() { $(".family > a").click(function() { if(!$(this).siblings('.dropdown').is(':visible')) { $(this).siblings('.dropdown').stop(true,false).slideDown(500); } else { $(this).siblings('.dropdown').stop(true,false).slideUp(500); } }); });